man o war
In the rural sector, many advisors and representatives are rewarded for the custom they bring in and the services/product they sell. Who then is the impartial advisor?
Published in Opinion
A WOMAN phoned the other day worried that a heading pup she had bought off me showed no interest in sheep.
Published in Farm Health
RECENT COOL temperatures may have kept a lid on the start to the facial eczema (FE) season, but that's no reason to let down your guard, says farm nutrition specialist Altum.
Published in Farm Health
ANYONE WHO had an old Suzuki SJ410 or SJ413 – or even a Land Rover – will relate to this version of Suzuki's offering to the New Zealand market. Built in India, the Farmworker is a 'descendant' of those early Suzuki's that were a cheaper go-anywhere 4WD much favoured years ago by Kiwi farmers.
Published in Machinery & Products
NEW ZEALAND dairy farmers need not worry about major farmgate losses should a supermarket milk price war break out.
Published in General News
OVERSEER, A system used to track nutrient flows around farms – especially dairy – is to be upgraded. Overseer is owned jointly by MAF, Fert Research and AgResearch.
Published in General News
OLAM INTERNATIONAL, the Singapore-based multinational with stakes in a couple of New Zealand registered dairy firms, is moving into Russia.
Published in General News
FONTERRA FARMERS can now mix and order supplementary feed blends online through the co-op subsidiary RD1.
Published in General News
FONTERRA FARMERS say they don't want to be fined or rewarded for shorter or longer milking windows.
Published in General News
QUEENSLAND DAIRY farmers are accusing the Federal Government of a sellout.
Published in World News
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OPINION: If you believe Maori Party president John Tamihere’s claim that “nothing dodgy” occurred at Manurewa Marae during the last…

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