man o war
tASMANIAN FARMER Leigh Schuuring believes it is critical to expand his herd without compromising the quality of his cows. 
Published in Farm Health
IT NEVER rains, it pours. Once again in 2012, La Nina has caused large areas of Australia to flood. It comes as a cruel blow after so many years of drought, and with the exception of the west, most states have been inundated where the dairy cattle are found.
Published in Farm Health
A FOCUS on personnel has made a Northland farm into a more profitable, smoother running operation, says Northland Sharemilker of the Year runner-up Michael Rope.
Published in Management
THE FINALISTS in the 2012 New Zealand Sharemilker/Equity Farmer of the Year contest are a mix of experienced and new dairy farmers. The group is made up of small, medium and large-scale operators. 
Published in Agribusiness
A MILK tanker fleet sharing agreement may be on the cards among Australian dairy processors in Victoria and New South Wales.
Published in World News
DAIRY PROCESSORS are pouring millions of dollars into infrastructure in Tasmania and irrigation systems are opening up new dairying opportunities…now more farmers are needed to take advantage of this growth.
Published in World News
FARMERS WANT the Government to mediate in a bovine TB funding disagreement between the Animal Health Board and Waikato Regional Council.
Published in General News
SYNLAIT MILK has identified two farms in Canterbury to use in the start-up phase of producing a2 brand nutritional powders for A2 Corporation, says Synlait's general manager, nutritionals, Tony McKenna.
Published in General News
CUTTING OFF Fonterra’s raw milk supply to independent processors will lead to fragmentation of the milk supply base, an independent processor has warned.
Published in General News
The Dairy Women's Network Autumn Dairy Days begin on May 4 with participants given the tools to get orientation of new staff or contractors and refocusing of existing staff correct from day one.
Published in General News
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