man o war
AGRESEARCH’S ROLE in the changes taking place in farming is the theme for the SOE’s site at National Fieldays. Its scientists continuing work with ryegrass will feature prominently.
Published in General News
TWO WEEKS out from his first National Fieldays as chief executive, Jon Calder is a confident man.
Published in Rural Life
TIM WILSON is the third-generation of his family, farming land on the seaward side of SH1 just south of Otaki, not far from the Otaki River. 
Published in Management
ATTENTION TO herd health and body condition score has paid dividends for Winton sharemilkers Nigel and Paula Duncan, helping them build cow numbers rapidly and push their production boundaries within a low cost system.
Published in Farm Health
Massey student Nick Coster was awarded the 2012 QEII Athol Patterson Bursary at a ceremony held at the university on Tuesday last week.
Published in General News
The importance of streamside fencing and planting to Taranaki's dairy industry was highlighted today as four farmers were rewarded for their commitment to the work.
Published in General News
Federated Farmers believes tighter tax rules around livestock valuations have been well-signalled.
Published in General News
Fonterra has dropped its forecast farmgate milk price by 30c for the current season to $6.05 and is forecasting a $5.95-$6.05 payout range for the 2012/13 season.
Published in General News
Fonterra has dropped its forecast farmgate milk price by 30c for the current season to $6.05 and is forecasting a $5.95-$6.05 payout range for the 2012/13 season.
Published in General News
The Dairy Women's Network has appointed two new independent Trustees to join its board – including the first male to join the Board's ranks since the Network was established in 1998.
Published in General News
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