man o war
If you're a New Zealand Young Farmers Member, or want to be one, then Dunedin's the place to be from May 24 to 27 this year.
Published in General News
It was 25 years ago that Milfos International was formed and this week the company will celebrate the milestone with an Australasian dealer conference followed by an evening celebration with service partners, suppliers and business people from around New Zealand.
Published in General News
THE ELEVATION of Amy Adams to Minister for the Environment is seen by the pundits as an inspired choice. 
Published in Opinion
The Government says Fonterra farmers are unreasonable in their demands on the DIRA Bill before Parliament.
Published in General News
JUST IN time for break feeding during late autumn and winter is this new release from Taragate, called the Auto Fencer, seen at Central Districts Field Days.
Published in Machinery & Products
KINBURN FARM, Poukawa, is next door to Poukawa Research Station, so perhaps it's no coincidence its owner Rob Buddo is working closely with PRS scientist Dr Paul Muir on a lucerne cultivar demonstration.
Published in Management
INFORMATION TRANSFER 'flows' many ways. There's the ripple effect of information from field days and seminars spreading 'over the fence'; but there's also the 'coalface' concept vital for the incremental innovation that underpins most advances in efficiency and productivity.
Published in Opinion
Fonterra needs to sit closer to its customers and listen to their needs, because products are being invented that don't necessarily align with what customers want.
Published in Agribusiness
DAIRY FARMERS can expect a ‘tsunami’ of policy on sustainability to head their way, says Fonterra’s general manager sustainability policy and carbon, John Hutchings.
Published in General News
A Bill which oversees Fonterra's farm gate milk price setting and "aims to deliver a more transparent and efficient dairy market" according to Prime Industries Minister David Carter, passed its first reading in Parliament yesterday.
Published in General News
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