man o war
THE 2012 Waikato Sharemilker/Equity Farmer of the Year, Barry and Nicky McTamney, take the next step in their dairy farming career in June when they enter an equity partnership.
Published in Agribusiness
THE WINNERS of the 2012 Bay of Plenty Sharemilker/Equity Farmer of the Year, Richard and Amy Fowler, thrive on diversity.
Published in Management
FARMERS LOOKING for an autumn crop should try to match the crop to the season, says Agricom product development specialist Allister Moorhead.
Published in Farm Health
TRACTOR FIRES caused by nesting birds take a regular toll of farmers’ gear. Birds want somewhere warm and dry to nest, and since many modern tractors are turbocharged there can be intense heat under a bonnet, therefore attractive for nesting but a greater fire risk.
Published in Machinery & Products
DairyNZ board member Barbara Kuriger has been announced as the winner of the first annual Dairy Woman of the Year award.
Published in General News
Zespri this week released the start of a recovery pathway from the devastating vine-killing disease Psa involving the wide-scale release of a newly commercialised gold kiwifruit variety, known as Gold3.
Published in General News
WESTLAND MILK Products has bagged a top R&D award, winning the 'Best use of Research and Development in International Business' award, 2012.
Published in General News
The market held up fairly well for the last of the larger offerings of this season with 22,700 bales on offer and an 84% clearance, New Zealand Wool Services International Ltd's general manager, John Dawson reports.
Published in General News
NEW ZEALAND’S agricultural technology transfer system is complex and fragmented, and the consequences could blemish our image overseas, a Government commissioned report warns.
Published in General News
NEXT SEASON'S milk payouts face a greater threat from the surging Kiwi dollar than supply/demand issues around the world, says BNZ economist Doug Steel.
Published in General News
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