man o war
CUTTING OFF Fonterra’s raw milk supply to independent processors will lead to fragmentation of the milk supply base, an independent processor has warned.
Published in General News
The Dairy Women's Network Autumn Dairy Days begin on May 4 with participants given the tools to get orientation of new staff or contractors and refocusing of existing staff correct from day one.
Published in General News
National Bank has been named New Zealand's leading agribusiness bank.
Published in General News
The global Kiwifruit Vine Health/ZESPRI Psa Research and Development Programme, has been boosted with a significant sponsorship from leading rural bank, ANZ National.
Published in General News
CAREFUL PAIRING of engine and transmission, and 100% bio-diesel capability are key features of Power Farming's medium-power offering from SAME-Deutz Fahr.
Published in Machinery & Products
GOOD ANIMAL health and husbandry are vital for getting a good wool clip, says Dannevirke vet Simon Marshall, speaking at a recent Beef + Lamb field day, with a wool focus, at Pongaroa, southern Hawkes Bay.
Published in Farm Health
WITH ALL the force of a new religious crusade the environment is becoming the opiate of the masses. As a closet greenie from way back I still get goosebumps thinking about saving whales, dolphins, yellow-eyed penguins, kakapo and rainforests.
Published in Opinion
THE HIGH New Zealand dollar is hurting, but fixed-price contracts for lamb will help give Landcorp a reasonably strong second half, says chief executive Chris Kelly.
Published in Agribusiness
YARNS CRITICAL to the New Zealand non-carpet wool textile industry will continue to be produced at Qualityarns’ Milton mill after Wool Equities, as part of a consortium, stepped in to buy the plant which was on the brink of closure.
Published in General News
DAMNED IF we do, and damned if we don't. That's the likely reaction of many Te Puke Kiwifruit growers this week as they're asked whether they will oppose a form of grafting (notch grafting) with new Psa-resistant varieties.
Published in General News
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