The lower dollar will put extra money in wool growers’ pockets but volatility in demand from China can be expected, say wool market experts.
Published in Agribusiness
A Massey University scientist says it’s important any debate on GE is conducted on the knowledge that now exists about the contentious subject.
Published in General News
An economist who heads the ‘think tank’ New Zealand Initiative says despite dairy price problems the country’s economy is doing remarkably well.
Published in General News
Meat exporters are being urged to maintain a diversified portfolio of overseas trading partners.
Published in General News
Horticulture NZ chairman Julian Raine believes horticulture can, as predicted, overtake dairying as NZ’s main export industry.
Published in General News
The weak NZ dollar is providing an unexpected windfall for the country’s sheep and beef farmers.
Published in General News
Every meal we eat costs the planet 10kgs of soil, 800 litres of fresh water and 1.3 litres of diesel fuel, says science writer Julian Cribb.
Published in General News
Wool markets remain steady with the latest sale seeing increases of 1 to 2% overall, says NZWSI general manager, John Dawson.
Published in Markets
Farmers planning to meet new milk cooling regulations from 2017 are offered a new means of doing so.
Published in Machinery & Products
The world's cheese business was worth US$216 billion last year, and in four years should be worth US$237b, says market research company Canadean. 
Published in Agribusiness
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