The weakening New Zealand dollar coupled with exporter pressure to meet shipping requirements and limited supply continues to underpin the wool market, says NZWSI.
Published in Markets
Now in its 21st year, the Romeo Bragato Conference continues to evolve.
Published in General News
Budget 2015 is, I believe, one of the best for the primary sector since National has been in government. 
Published in Opinion
Global beef consumption will not increase markedly in the next few years, but on the plus side it has been reaching record prices, as have all meats, says Aidan Connolly, chief innovation officer for animal nutrition company Alltech.
Published in Agribusiness
News that China is to allow Brazilian beef back into its markets shouldn’t derail the bull run the New Zealand industry is enjoying, says leading exporter Silver Fern Farms.
Published in General News
Red meat farmer lobby MIE will unveil “a cunning plan” next month to push for the merger of the two major meat co-ops and block foreign investors taking a stake in the businesses.
Published in General News
Continued shipping pressure for China kept finer crossbreds firm at the latest wool auction however coarse wools eased as volumes available increased, says Paul Steel of NZWSI.
Published in Markets
Westland Milk Products has confirmed its payout for the 2014-15 season will remain unchanged at $4.90 - $5.10/kgMS but its prediction for the 2015-16 is more positive.
Published in General News
Most people’s bucket list has things like skydiving, walking the Great Wall of China or owning a special car. But atop Levin dairy farmer and contractor Graham Bagrie’s list was something quite different. 
Published in General News
The Chinese bought a one year supply of milk powder from world markets then suddenly stopped buying, Alltech’s chief innovation officer, Aidan Connolly, says.
Published in Agribusiness
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