Two key trade agreements could dictate beef sales in 2018, claims Rabobank.
Published in General News
A $25 million upgrade and expansion of Danone’s Auckland blending and processing plant in late February has doubled its production capacity for finished products.
Published in General News
Waikato farmers may switch to A2 milk provided there’s a suitable premium attached to the milk payment, says the region’s Federated Farmers president Andrew McGiven.
Published in General News
Fonterra has scope to lift its payout from current guidance, but its losses on Beingmate will likely weigh on its earnings and dividend payments, says New Zealand brokerage firm OMF Financial.
Published in General News
a2 Milk Co has struck a deal with Fonterra that will enable it, over time, to diversify its milk sourcing, processing and manufacturing to meet growing demand for its products, the company says.
Published in General News
The Hound reckons Fonterra chief executive Theo Spierings should be forever known as ‘Teflon Theo’, because no matter what goes wrong on his watch it never seems to stick to him.
Published in The Hound
Favourable market conditions should underpin a second year of broad-based profitability for New Zealand agriculture. 
Published in Markets
With regional field days right upon us, tractor importers and dealers should have a smile on their faces given the sales results just released for the 2017 year. 
Published in Machinery & Products
The benchmarking survey of the New Zealand wine industry took a new turn in 2017, with Deloitte and ANZ collaborating together to provide the report.
Published in General News
What is the New Year going to bring for wine? 
Published in Opinion
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