Thursday, 28 March 2024 11:55

Hurry up and slow down!

Written by  Farmer's Chaplain, Colin Miller
Farmer's Chaplain Colin Miller. Farmer's Chaplain Colin Miller.

OPINION: We have good friends from way back who had lived in one of our major cities for many years.

They decided to dial things back somewhat, to slow down their fastpaced lives and schedules. So, they quit their house and now travel around in a mobile home, camping up wherever suits them, for as long as they choose. Last I spoke with him, he’s loving every minute of the change.

He is the friend that first told me we have an epidemic of “hurry sickness” loose in our culture! He would readily quote supporting research and gave many examples to back-up his thinking.

Of course, we now have self-service-checkouts to hurry us up even more. I have at times stood back and allowed some of the hurry sickness folks to get in ahead of me. Their reactions usually prove the point!

Riding a motorcycle is another way of meeting some hurry sickness sufferers. You easily notice people seeing you in their rear vision mirrors as you come up behind. A few drivers courteously move to the left to let you ride on through. We usually thank them with a toot and a wave.

However, more than a few purposely move to the right to block you. I have experienced exactly that in the ‘one vehicle per green light’ queues on motorway on-ramps. Somehow, getting ahead of them seems to utterly wreck their day!

I’m sure that like me, you can figure out that continuously living life in a hurry and enjoying good health while doing it just won’t last the distance. They don’t mix well!

I first came across the following little piece a bunch of years ago. I thought it was timely then, and much more today.

Titled “Time of the Mad Atom” by Virginia Brasier, it reads:

This is the age of the halfread page.

And the quick hash and the mad dash.

The bright night with the nerves tight.

The plane hop and the brief stop.

The lamp tan in a short span.

The Big Shot in a good spot.

And the brain strain and the heart pain.

And the cat naps till the spring snaps.

And the fun’s done!


I find it quite amazing that despite having so many time-saving devices and suggestions today, we have so little time. Time still rushes on by.

There are time management books and tips galore. Experts abound! There’s a whole heap of stuff available to us that previous generations, like our grandparents for example, simply knew nothing of. They lived a rhythm of life, or tempo of life, that seems to escape us today.

As a farming family, I well recall we were never too busy to help out neighbours. Yep, we always had time.

Despite all the “extras” we have at our fingertips, life has not slowed down. The well-known and quoted “rat race” has not left us. For many, their calendars remain maxed out.

For me, personally, slowing down the momentum inside of me has been huge. I have found – and observed – that turmoil on the inside so often leads to turmoil on the outside.

If I am at rest inside, it slows stuff down on the outside. Yes, having an active faith in Someone, has truly settled so much for me.

Take care and God Bless.

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