OPINION: A mate of the Hound’s recently applied for membership with Ashburton-based farm supply co-operative Ruralco.
He reports that by the time he’d downloaded all the paperwork there was something like 67 pages he had to read, sign and wade through.
“I won’t go into all the information they wanted,” the perplexed farmer says. “But it came across as like they were paying me – not the other way round!”
Other people have told your mate of similar issues faced when trying to sign up Farmlands.
In fact, yours truly has looked at joining that rural supply co-op on a number of occasions, but he just couldn’t be bothered after looking at the convoluted process needed to go through to sign up.
Funny how these farming co-operatives are all mad keen on more people joining them, but then make it such an onerous ordeal to sign up!