OPINION: Media luvvies have pigeon-holed the Taxpayers Union (TPU) as some right-wing lobby, but as far as this old mutt can tell, the TPU focuses on shaming poor behaviour and wasteful spending by those that govern us, no matter who's in power.
You'd be right in thinking that's like shooting fish in a barrel, such is the disregard of the taxpayer by the elected (and unelected) in government.
Anyway, left, right or neutral, the TPU has kicked off 2025 with some doozies: MBIE spent $500,012 coaching staff how to sit at their desks correctly; over 4 years, ACC has paid $217,674 for 255 claims by 'victims' bitten by police dogs while doing a runner and over 6 months, the Ministry of Maori Development saw 217 instances of staff accessing porn on the job (the Ministry of Women had 1).