OPINION: Your canine crusader wonders if the Primary Sector Climate Action Partnership, under the guise of He Waka Eke Noa (HWEN), is now up a creek without a paddle?
This follows the recent advice, provided to the Government by the Climate Change Commission, which suggested the ag sector could go down the route as proposed by HWEN, but that a levy should be instantly put on nitrogen fertiliser when farmers buy it and no credits should be given for on-farm sequestration.
Wasn't on-farm sequestration one of the key selling points pushed by proponets of HWEN, such as Feds, DairyNZ, Beef+Lamb and MIA, to convince farmers to support the model?
Your old mate reckons the HWEN canoe is already starting to spring a few too many leaks.
The queston is: Will ag sector leaders push back on the Climate Commission's recommendations?