OPINION: A mate of the Hound reckons if you ever wondered why the current Labour Government seems so far removed from rural and farming interests, one only has to look at the make-up of its supposedly 'rural' caucus.
Apparently, this stellar group of no-names meets every month or so to discuss issues affecting rural and farming NZ.
However, your old mate would have to question just how much this group is in touch with the heartland of the country when it consists of former kindergarten teacher Jo Luxton, past senior public servant Meka Whatiri, former boss of the teachers union Angela Roberts, one-time air hostess and unionist Marja Lubeck, and ex WINZ case manager Terisa Ngobi.
As the Hound's mate opined: "I wonder how all those farmers and rural New Zealanders, who supposedly voted Labour at the last election, feel about their electoral choice's rural representation?"
Good question!