OPINION: The Hound has for some time been highly critical about the actions of the He Waka Eke Noa (HWEN) partners and their hesitancy to criticise the current government or push back publicly over the myriad of the many unworkable regulations it has imposed on the farming sector.
When questioned about the folly of this stance, the likes of B+LNZ and DairyNZ have claimed 'it is better to be at the table than not' - arguing that any criticism or push back against the current government would not serve the industry well.
However, your old mate suggests that by the looks of the Government's farm emissions proposal, not only were B+LNZ and DairyNZ at the table, they were actually served up as the main course!
Meanwhile, B+LNZ and DairyNZ's very late to the party criticism of the proposed farm emissions plan looks far too little, far too late!