Wednesday, 14 August 2024 15:25

Sticks and stones

Written by  The Hound

OPINION: If you're wondering where the extreme rhetoric of the Maori Party, with tacit approval from our chinless media, leads us to, the Hound reckons New Plymouth councillor Murray Chong could probably give you a clue.

His longstanding, consistent opposition to the introduction of Maori wards was well known, and it was his democratic right as an elected representative of citizens in his region to abstain on a recent vote about whether or not the council should retain its Maori ward.

Some idiot, no doubt emboldened by the Maori Party’s divisive ‘genocide’ rhetoric, which media give a free pass to, didn’t think he had that right and shot at this car, outside his home.

Sticks and stones will break our bones, but words will never hurt us? An air rifle will though.

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