OPINION: There was a lot of gnashing of teeth, wailing and tears (including our PM) when celebrity teenage climate activist Greta Thunberg has a crack at NZ's efforts to reduce carbon emissions.
This was all brought to a head when Thunberg 'tweeted' her displeasure at NZ's climate change performance, citing a Guardian article.
This old mutt reckons people shouldn't get upset with little Greta as he believes she's an over-exposed child who is being used by climate change calamatists to promote their 'the world is ending' agenda.
The real villain is the Christchurch-based 'journalist' behind the Guardian story (a publication that is so left wing and woke that it makes Stuff look middle-of-the-road) who gave one sentence in her article to Feds Andrew Hoggard and then devoted the rest of her 'story' to unsubstantiated claims made bhy Greenpeace spokesman Steve Able.