OPINION: Your canine crusader understands that MPI were recently in front of the Parliamentary Primary Sector Select Committee for an 8-hour marathon hearing.
Let’s hope members of the select committee were going through MPI’s budget with a fine tooth comb.
There seems to plenty of fat in MPI’s budget to cut that would help with the Government’s goal to trim back excessive public sector body spending.
A couple of suggestions for the chop would be everything to do with the totally useless and expensive Fit for a Better World programme, which seems to deliver a fancy report each year but has achieved SFA.
Another area your old mate would aim to drop is the pointless money waster that is MPI’s investment in promoting regen ag and its huge handouts to Māori farming organisations.
Surely if regen ag and the Māori farming sector are viable options they don’t need MPI (i.e. taxpayers) subsidising them.