Wednesday, 25 September 2024 10:55

Beware groupthink

Written by  The Hound

OPINION: Massey University has long been, and still is, a core part of the NZ farming scene, training the next generation of farmers, growers, agronomists and more, and doing great research too.

But new research suggests they may have an issue with academic freedom, with the latest Massey Engagement Pulse survey showing many staff there do not feel free to voice their opinions "for fear of reprisal" for not toeing the party line.

Only 5% agreed there was "honest two-way communication" (66% disagreed) and 9% agreed the leadership kept people informed about what is happening (61% disagreed).

The Free Speech Union says the same trend has been seen at the woke AUT and Auckland Uni, where they say debate and dissent is not welcomed.

This old mutt just hopes Masey isn't going the same way.

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The Hound


OPINION: Listening to the hysterical reportage of gun law reforms being pushed through by Associate Minister of Justice Nicole McKee,…

Beware groupthink

OPINION: Massey University has long been, and still is, a core part of the NZ farming scene, training the next…

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