Tuesday, 24 September 2024 10:48

All hot air?

Written by  The Hound

OPINION: While The Hound reckons it's great to see Shane 'I'm-a-red-blooded-male' Jones boiling over about the energy crisis - so much so that he's dropping f-bombs in the daily rags - your old mate hopes we'll see more than his usual bluster and get real action on this critical issue.

Two pulp mills have closed, and now we have reports that grain growers can't secure contract because it's uncertain there will be enough gas, at the right price, to dry the stuff.

Act's energy spokesman is probably right, saying "The previous Government's kamikaze approach to climate change crashed the reliability of our energy supply", and Jones is justified in his anger too, but blame won't keep industry afloat.

Time for action, and for the Opposition to grow up and join a cross-party accord for the future.

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