PETA wants web cams in shearing sheds
Animal rights protest group PETA is calling for Agriculture Minister Todd McClay to introduce legislation which would make it mandatory to have live-streaming web cameras in all New Zealand shearing shed.
Two new herds will require further investigation as Hawke’s Bay battles a tuberculosis outbreak.
Despite the new herds being investigated, the number of herds under probe remains unchanged since last week thanks to two other herds having been cleared and investigations closed.
OSPRI reports that eight herds are currently infected with tuberculosis, including seven beef farms and one dairy farm.
For infected herds, two clear, whole herd tests six months apart are required to achieve clear status.
Hawke’s Bay’s tuberculosis response has seen 51,816 animals tested since 1 November 2019.
11 pre-movement tests have been completed and a further 25 pre-movement tests have been allocated to AsureQuality.
For more information go to
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