The New Zealand Deerstalkers' Association (NZDA) is urging hunters to follow the new anti-COVID rules with a shift to Level 3.
“Under Level 3, hunting and some other outdoor recreation will be permitted, although with tight rules around what is allowed,” says NZDA national president Trevor Chappell.
“Those include only allowing hunting on private land within your own immediate region and bubble, and with the landowner’s permission.
"Overnight trips are not allowed, and hunting must be on foot. Helicopters, quad bikes and other motorised vehicles are not permitted.”
He says the relaxation of the rules on hunting is the result of a concerted effort by hunting organisations like the NZDA, Game Animal Council and Fish & Game to convince authorities that hunting is safe and should be permitted.
“We are disappointed that public conservation land, which the majority of hunters use, is still out of bounds, allowing hunting on private land is a good start,” Chappell adds.
“While we would have liked the new rules to be more liberal, we also appreciate this is just the first step to returning to normal.”