Friday, 09 August 2024 11:40

Four deaths prompt quad bike warning

Written by  Sudesh Kissun
WorkSafe is urging rural New Zealand to refocus on the risk of quad bike roll-overs. WorkSafe is urging rural New Zealand to refocus on the risk of quad bike roll-overs.

Four farm deaths involving quad bikes in the past three weeks have promoted a warning from WorkSafe.

It is urging rural New Zealand to refocus on the risk of quad bike roll-overs.

WorkSafe is investigating all four fatalities, the first of which occurred on 18 July in Wairarapa. It was followed by another on 22 July in Canterbury, one on 26 July in Southland, and most recently in Northland on 30 July. All four incidents coincided with the start of lambing and calving season.

“Our sympathy is with every family and community mourning these sudden deaths. Although our investigations are in their early stages, the trend is worrying enough for us to sound the alarm already,” says WorkSafe principal inspector Graham Bates.

“Doing a risk assessment of your terrain and tasks must be the top priority before getting on a quad bike. This is a time of year when we are experiencing variable weather and growth, and variable ground conditions. Sloped surfaces and steep terrain can be especially problematic and have sadly been a factor in some of the recent cases.”

“Farm vehicle incidents are one of the top two causes of workplace deaths in NZ, which is why agriculture is a priority sector under WorkSafe’s new strategy. We are targeting the biggest risks and working with the sector to improve health and safety in agriculture.

“Farming consists of a never-ending list of tasks and constant reprioritisation. However, we cannot let those challenges contribute to loss of life or injury. The people with the most power to influence this are those on the ground each day doing the work,” says Bates.

WorkSafe’s recommendations for reducing the risks of harm on farm include:

  • Consider installing a crush protection or rollover protection device on your quad bike.
  • Choose the right vehicle for the job and ensure that the driver is competent.
  • Always use your seatbelt and helmet.
  • Consider undergoing quad bike training.
  • Prioritise maintenance. That should cover attachments, good tyres and brakes.
  • Remember tired people make mistakes.
  • Ensure that the vehicle is safely stopped and brakes are fully engaged before getting off.
  • Don’t be afraid to seek assistance when you need to – neighbouring farmers are always more than willing to lend a hand.

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