Almost 500 people attended six public meetings across the country, to express views on animal welfare.
MPI is currently seeking feedback on 85 proposed animal welfare regulations and took to the road as part of the five week consultation. The proposals set out tougher rules around animal management and would put new fines and infringements in place.
Director of biosecurity and animal welfare Julie Collins has been pleased with the amount of feedback MPI had received to date.
"We've received 190 submissions so far and have had great discussions with a large number of people with a range of views on the proposals. We now want to encourage those who are yet to make a submission to do so by 19 May," says Collins.
Given the large number of proposals out for consultation, the discussions at public meetings covered a wide range of animals and topics, however, some common subject themes were noted.
"Some of the more predominate conversations were in relation to regulations for bobby calf welfare, the tail docking of dogs, sheep and cattle, stock transport, the consultation process, and clarity around the infringements and offences.
"None of the proposals are final and after submissions close, MPI will be considering all the feedback received at public meetings and as written submissions to ensure we have the best rules possible for the welfare of animals," Collins added.
Consultation closes on May 19, 2016.