Thursday, 04 April 2013 15:38

Act fast to save twisted gut dogs

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THE FASTER you get a dog with twisted gut to the vet’s, the more likely it can be saved, so don’t delay.


That’s a headline message from papers presented at a couple of recent conferences* by one of New Zealand’s leading researchers on working dogs, Massey University senior lecturer Dr Kate Hill.

Gastric dilation and volvulus – volvulus is the twisting part; gastric dilation alone is the bloating – is second only to constipation in terms of non-traumatic causes for dogs being taken to a vet clinic, a survey by Hill and colleagues found.

“It’s the second most common non-traumatic cause for dogs being seen by vets, and the most common cause that results in the loss of the dog,” she told Rural News.

An unknown is how many working dogs, typically Huntaways, die or are euthanised on farm due to the condition, but given the onset is rapid and often occurs at night, it’s “probably more common than the numbers we actually see at the vets,” she adds.

“When you talk to shepherd’s it’s quite common that they’ve found a dog dead in its kennel or motel in the morning. It does sometimes happen during the day and during work, but less often.”

A big meal seems to be a risk factor, especially where the dog has “got into something” by accident, such as a carcase or feed bin, and engorged itself.

“Whether they do this because they’re hungry or it’s just a scavenging behaviour we don’t know, but trying to prevent scavenging and risk of engorging will reduce the risk [of twisted gut].”

Feeding twice a day, instead of once at night, seems to reduce risk from planned feeds but the practicalities, and possible consequences, of morning and night feeding on-farm would need investigating before it could be recommended, says Hill.

“If they’re fed and then worked, what we don’t know is how long after feeding it is safe to work or exercise them, so we’re not saying feed twice a day at this stage.”

One risk factor some farms might be able to eliminate is a raised feed bowl.

“Sometimes we’ve seen dog runs with the bowl on the door… it would be worthwhile moving it lower.”

Warning signs a dog is developing the condition are discomfort, panting, bloating, and reluctance to work or even walk around.

“But sometimes the dog’s rib cage goes past the stomach so you may not see any swelling so much, just that the dog is uncomfortable, panting and not walking around.”

Deep chested dogs such as Huntaways and German Shepherds (aka Alsatians) are much more prone to the condition than heading dogs. Studies of incidence in pet dogs suggest anxiety is another trigger, but whether that can be extrapolated to these working species is unknown.

If a dog develops symptoms, surgery within five hours of onset was found to have greatly increased chance of survival in the Massey survey, and that 65% of all dogs with the condition seen by vets were saved.

Hill notes that’s a lower success rate than some overseas studies found but given many of the farm dogs developed symptoms overnight and were outside that five hour threshold before they were seen, it is probably quite a good result.

In general, surgery is necessary costing upwards of $1500, sometimes as much as $3000, depending on the complexity of the procedure.

Hill acknowledges some farmers or shepherds will opt for euthanasia rather than incurring such costs. She suggests whether to take that option should be driven by the age of the dog.

“With a younger dog the prognosis for getting it back into work is really good.”

• The International Sheep Veterinarian Conference, Rotorua, Feb 18-22, and World Small Animal Veterinary Association Conference, Auckland, March 6-9. 

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