Displaying items by tag: the hound

Wednesday, 02 September 2015 12:47

No thanks

The Hound reckons the old adage ‘would you buy a used car off this man?’ should be applied when dealing with spin doctors and the companies they are promoting.

Published in The Hound
Friday, 21 August 2015 09:00

Green dilemma

This old mutt notes that scientists have now developed a genetically engineered rice crop that could emit much less methane than normal rice.

Published in The Hound
Friday, 21 August 2015 09:00

Hello pot!

The Hound reckons the Green Party’s former agriculture spokesman Steffan Browning is hypocritical in his recent attack on the appointment of the new boss of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Dr Alan Freeth.

Published in The Hound
Tuesday, 18 August 2015 09:00

Still doing ok

The Hound notes that many commentators and armchair critics are all down in the mouth about the prospects of agriculture and farming at present, especially because of tumbling dairy prices.

Published in The Hound
Tuesday, 18 August 2015 09:00


Your old mate sympathises with the plight of the country’s dairy farmers and how the falling payout is impacting their financial stability.

Published in The Hound
Friday, 07 August 2015 05:53

Bad to worse

The Hound reckons if you needed any more proof of how much the Greens loathe farming, look at the recent reshuffling of its portfolio responsibilities.

Published in The Hound
Friday, 07 August 2015 05:52

St Craig?

This old mutt reckons you are never as good as your obituaries make you out to be, and the recent untimely death of former Fonterra chief and agribusinessman Craig Norgate reminded your old mate of this.

Published in The Hound
Wednesday, 05 August 2015 10:43

Yeah, right

A new website has pop-up called waterqualitynz, which purports to provide “independent honesty in freshwater environmental reporting in NZ”.

Published in The Hound
Wednesday, 05 August 2015 10:41


The Hound sees that MPI has spent the thick end of $500,000 upgrading a building on The Terrace, Wellington, to accommodate its biosecurity team; its cost estimates were $100,000-$250,000.

Published in The Hound
Friday, 17 July 2015 16:08

West heads west

The Hound notes that Lincoln University’s vice-chancellor Andrew West has suddenly resigned. This old mutt hopes West’s replacement is not serial bow-tie wearer and rent-a-quote Lincoln academic Keith Woodford.

Published in The Hound
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