Displaying items by tag: MPI

Tuesday, 21 July 2015 12:07

Cool your milk or lose it

Meeting the standards of export milk markets will require that from August 1, 2017 we stick to new milk cooling rules imposed by MPI. Here they are.

Published in Agribusiness
Saturday, 18 July 2015 05:00

MPI releases landfarming guidance

MPI has released guidelines for ensuring food safety and animal welfare after spreading rocks and minerals from drilling oil and gas wells on land, including the practice known as landfarming.

Published in General News
Friday, 05 June 2015 14:06

Strange bulge?

Your old mate reckons the border security team at MPI will have a new take on the old saying “Is that a lump in your pants or are you just pleased to see me?” after detecting a Polish gardener trying to smuggle plants in his underpants through Auckland airport recently.

Published in The Hound
Tuesday, 02 June 2015 14:09

Budget 2015 good for rural NZ

Budget 2015 is, I believe, one of the best for the primary sector since National has been in government. 

Published in Opinion

Primary Industries Minister Nathan Guy has met with drought-affected farmers in Cheviot, North Canterbury and says they are still feeling the impacts of drought.

Published in General News
Thursday, 19 February 2015 15:55

Dairy farmers still waiting for good news

Expect the volatility in the international dairy market to be around for some time.

Published in General News
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