south park
Bright green peanut butter baits are being laid in an area of the Mackenzie District for the third year running to try to suppress an isolated population of wallabies adjacent to the Mount Cook National Park.
Published in Management
A ground-breaking prototype methane recovery system on a 950 cow farm in Southland has demonstrated for the first time the commercial viability of this technology in a cool climate.
Published in Management
Labour Party leader Jacinda Ardern says after National came into power it shelved the Environment Court judge David Sheppard’s national policy statement (NPS) initiated by the last Labour government.
Published in General News
With 62,000 New Zealanders living and working rurally, their communities are the backbone of the economy, but they are poorly supported healthwise.
Published in General News
An array of sensors in the paddocks providing real-time information about what is happening all over the farm is now a reality.
Published in General News
Southland is hosting the National Sustainability Showcase of the Ballance Farm Environment Awards for the first time at the end of this month.
Published in General News
Merely being in the top 10% of meat producers was not enough for the 2016 Lincoln University Foundation South Island Farmers of the Year, Neil and Lyn Campbell.
Published in General News
Even Canterbury's arable farmers would benefit from the increased biodiversity offered by native reforestation, claims the man leading the largest dryland reforestation effort on the plains.
Published in Management
Heading into the second event at its new home in Kirwee, the South Island Agricultural Field Days (SIAFD) is thriving and growing.
Published in General News
Promising something for every visitor to its 600 exhibitor sites, South Island Agricultural Field Days (SIAFD) is just around the corner.
Published in General News
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