man o war
Qualmark celebrated its 30th birthday in October 2023, having supported thousands of tourism businesses since it began in 1993. With wine tourism a leading attraction for visitors to New Zealand, Qualmark General Manager Steven Dixon explains what the quality assurance scheme means for New Zealand vineyards and cellar doors.
Published in Regional Updates
Pinot Noir New Zealand 2025 will be held in Ōtautahi Christchurch, 11-13 February next year. Committee member Natalie Grace, who is Brand and Marketing Manager for Aotearoa New Zealand Fine Wine Estates (Pyramid Valley, Smith & Sheth and Lowburn Ferry), shares some excellent reasons to get excited.
Published in Regional Updates
TYM Tractors (Tong-Yang Moolsan Co) was established in 1951 and over the ensuing years hit many milestones.
Published in Machinery & Products
The Forestry Hub returns to Fieldays for its third consecutive year, showcasing how trees and wood are transforming New Zealand.
Published in Management
With the 56th running of the National Fieldays just over a week away, Mystery Creek is transforming into a large village, as home to over a thousand exhibitors from the 12th to 15th June.
Published in General News
Dairy cows managed in winter on pasture, with hay bales, spent more time ruminating and lying in postures suggesting greater comfort than those on kale crops, newly published research has found.
Published in Farm Health
OPINION: It surely seems to me that in today’s world experts abound. I hear or see the word attached to someone regularly in the media, all too flippantly in my opinion.
Published in Opinion
OPINION: The annual Fieldays at Mystery Creek next week should inject some much-needed energy into the agricultural sector, however, a mate of the Hound questions whether the organisers truly understand that most of the exhibitors are hoping to see farmers – not just all-and-sundry – coming through the turnstiles.
Published in The Hound
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