man o war
Hand-milking goats is not easy. Lifestyle farmer and retired veterinarian Dr Marjorie Orr explains.
Published in Management
Synlait founder and chief executive John Penno intends to step down from his position in the next 12 months, as part of an orderly transition to position the Canterbury milk processor for its next phase of growth.
Published in General News
While New Zealand wine has always been innovative, it appears New Zealand consumers are also.
Published in General News
The idea of virtual fencing has been around for 20 years, but AgResearch believes its time has come and will soon start testing an Australian product.
Published in Management
The impacts of a wet winter are clearly evident as I drive around the countryside. In fact, I have never seen the level of damage on farm after winter as I am seeing now.
Published in Management
The decision by Lely NZ’s parent company Lely to sell its grass machinery division to AGCO and concentrate on dairy technology, particularly robotic milking, has brought about changes in New Zealand and Australia.
Published in Agribusiness
A campaign to market mastitis treatments to dairy farmers has been recognised at the Westpac Waikato Business Awards.
Published in General News
In reflecting on the salary package/bonuses paid to Theo Spierings in the past season it is important to understand that the Fonterra business is owned by shareholders who empower a board to act on their behalf.
Published in Opinion
The saying that ‘change is the only constant in life’ is true for the dairy industry and standing still is not an option, chair Cathy Brown told the Dairy Womens Network (DWN) annual meeting.
Published in General News
Agribusiness consultant Keith Woodford has come out as a big fan of composting dairy barns.
Published in General News
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