man o war
Following 2023's inaugural Aotearoa New Zealand Chardonnay Symposium, Hawke's Bay Winegrowers expanded this year's event to two days of discussions and tastings centred on 'Sense of Place', the environmental and cultural landscapes that shape wine.
Published in General News
OPINION: Whenever I present Te Mata's wines into markets, I often begin by saying that our winery's story is a weird one.
Published in Opinion
The first thing Tanya Pouwhare does when someone seeking employment steps through her doorway is print out the 'Know Your Rights' sheet from the New Zealand Employment Guide.
Published in Profiles
It took a hole in the ground and a slurp from the hose to convince Ben and Frances Wickham to buy a block of land on the outskirts of Blenheim.
Published in Profiles
Marlborough-based agritech company Smart Machines has reached a significant milestone in its mission to revolutionise vineyard management.
Published in Machinery
The import and quarantine of future proofed varieties represents the next generation of grapevine genetics in New Zealand, says Riversun Nurseries Managing Director Geoff Thorpe.
Published in General News
Transforming canopy management systems to maximise sunlight could increase vineyard profitability without compromising wine quality, says researchers.
Published in General News
When Malcolm McBride lays a net under a Wairau Valley totara, or gathers kōwhai seed pods straight from the tree, he's combining two of his passions.
Published in General News
Hauraki Coromandel farmer Keith Trembath was recently awarded the title of Member of the New Zealand Order of Merit (MNZM) in recognition of his contributions to public service, agriculture, and education.
Published in General News
An ambitious large-scale planting project in the Wairau Valley aims to return farmland to indigenous forest and create a biodiversity hotspot that doubles as a carbon pool.
Published in General News
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