man o war
Green Party co-leader James Shaw has described the Ministry of Education’s decision to carpet 800 small and rural schools in synthetic carpets as “bonkers”.
Published in General News
Paper-based growing is being adopted by nurseries for seedling and cutting production.
Published in Management
Green Party co-leader James Shaw says there are myths that have been spread surrounding the issue of the Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS).
Published in General News
Growing potatoes requires suitable ground, an experienced workforce and a substantial investment in plant and machinery.
Published in Machinery & Products
A mechanical growing system being set up in Ashburton shows the potential for an alternative method of producing leafy greens to boost New Zealand’s food production security.
Published in General News
The horticultural sector has much to gain from harnessing digital technology, machine learning and artificial intelligence to transform food production systems.
Published in Agribusiness
PICMI could be a one-stop shop for seasonal recruitment.
Published in Management
You might say Trevor James has been stuck in the weeds for almost half a century.
Published in Agribusiness
OPINION: Your old mate suggests the demise of former Beef+Lamb NZ chair Andrew Morrison has done little to change that organisation’s poor understanding about how its farmers are really feeling.
Published in The Hound
Revenue performances of the world’s leading dairy companies has shown a major reshuffling over the last year, with Fonterra falling from sixth to ninth place amidst other companies shifting positions.
Published in General News
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