man o war
NZ Landcare Trust has been awarded the Toitū net carbonzero certification in line with ISO 14064-1.
Published in General News
Silver Fern Farms chief executive Simon Limmer is stepping down from the role.
Published in General News
With the Irish dairy industry often compared to that of New Zealand, it would appear that Paddy is a long way ahead of his Kiwi counterpart when it comes to using dairy effluent.
Published in Machinery & Products
Controlled Traffic Farming (TCF) systems see arable operators, using tramlines as “highways” for moving through a crop.
Published in Machinery & Products
The first of French manufacturer Pichon’s new SV slurry tankers certainly looks like it means business.
Published in Machinery & Products
Low Emission Slurry Systems (LESS) have driven the Irish effluent application scene for many years, with a government funded initiative targeting dairy farmers to utilise effluent and slurry more efficiently.
Published in Machinery & Products
How often should an effluent pond be stirred?
Published in Management
The number of kingfishers, fantails and other native birds are increasing on Mark and Devon Slee’s Canterbury farm, thanks to extensive planting in recent years.
Published in Management
The most profitable maize silage crop is the one which delivers the highest amount of energy per hectare. To achieve this, crop establishment is critical as maize silage and grain yield are greatly influenced by plant population.
Published in Management
West Coast dairy farmers Grant and Shona Hanna are looking forward to showcasing their Holstein Friesian cattle once again as the show season returns after a few years of disruption.
Published in Management
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