man o war
INSURANCE CLAIMS arising from the hurricane-force winds that hit Taranaki a fortnight ago reached $5 million last week and were still rising.
Published in General News
FOUR OF six prestigious new awards recognising outstanding commitment to sustainable land management and local communities have gone to farmers.
Published in General News
TWO MAJOR horticultural industry organisations believe the takeover of Turners and Growers by German company BayWa will be good for growers.
Published in Agribusiness
FONTERRA IS set to triple capacity at its new Darfield, central Canterbury, processing site within a year of it opening.
Published in Agribusiness
By the time you read this Fonterra’s Milk for Schools initiative will have launched in Northland. Given the idea stemmed from concern about the perceived high price of milk in the shops, it’s ironic that the launch should come just after the cooperative has cut its payout forecast. Milk prices internationally are on the wane and our dollar is doing dairy, and sheep and beef returns come to that, no favours.
Published in Opinion
There appear to be two key issues facing farmers presently: corporatisation of New Zealand farms, as highlighted by the recent Crafar case; and the very real prospect of greater regulation, highlighted by Henry van der Heyden's warning of the need to stay ahead of the game in sustainability.
Published in Opinion
PADDOCK TO packet it said on the invite, and that's what visitors got at the recent Lincoln University Foundation South Island Farmer of the Year field day.
Published in Management
WITH JUST 5% of Canterbury's wetlands remaining, every little bit of protection for what's left helps.
Published in Management
THE DEER industry has always punched above its weight, becoming a leading force in New Zealand farming.
Published in Farm Health
DON'T GET complacent just because there's plenty of grass and ewes are in good nick going to the ram, a leading vet's warning.
Published in Farm Health
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