man o war
The Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) is making good progress in implementing the recommendations of the recent independent review of imports of kiwifruit plant material.
Published in General News
LAST SEASON’S stupendous production, in particular autumn’s awesome output, saw Fonterra ship a record 620,000t of product in the fourth quarter, 36% more than last year.
Published in General News
Australian mutton production hit rock bottom last year by hitting its lowest annual total in over three decades.
Published in Markets
Fonterra has dropped its 2012-13 forecast payout by 30c/kgMS, blaming it on the strong New Zealand currency.
Published in General News
INDUSTRY BENCHMARKS set repeatedly by Polaris quads in ride quality show these machines to be “getting better and better,” says maker Polaris Industries.
Published in Machinery & Products
DAIRY FARMERS could lower the risk of mastitis and grades from somatic cell counts and other bacteria with a Dairymaster ClusterCleanse, says company director Craig Burrows.
Published in Machinery & Products
THE FOURTH generation Range Rover is touted as the most capable and luxurious Land Rover yet.  Lighter, stronger and with new levels of refinement, it presents as the world’s finest luxury SUV, says global brand director John Edwards.
Published in Machinery & Products
Food issues will be dissected in the final of the University of Waikato Winter Lecture Series this week.
Published in General News
The forest and wood processing industries are pushing forward with a strategy to transform the sector.
Published in General News
At the beginning of the year, the outlook for the chilled season was fairly optimistic. Winter contracts were released in the late $8.00/kg which set the tone for the weaner sales.
Published in Markets
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