drainage pipe
Made in New Zealand is a feature that looks at the wealth of design and manufacturing ability we have in New Zealand, producing productive and cost-effective products for the agricultural sector. This week machinery editor Mark Daniel takes a closer look at McKee Plastics, catching up with business development manager, Logan McKee.
Published in Machinery & Products
New Zealand's wine industry has good irrigation "eco-credentials" with "parsimonious" water use and extremely low-level nitrogen leaching, says Dr Brent Clothier of Plant & Food Research.
Published in Industry
Reducing wastage from feeding-out maize silage and at the same time keeping labour costs to the minimum drove Horowhenua dairy farmer and businessman Rod Agar to build a plastic-covered feed pad on one of his two dairy farms.
Published in Management
Owners of a new milk processing plant planned in Waikato say construction will start once funding has been secured.
Published in General News
Construction of Waikato's newest milk processing plant will finally start later this year.
Published in General News
Construction of Waikato's newest milk processing plant will finally start later this year.
Published in General News
In New Zealand’s soils, phosphorus does a great job at growing plants but unfortunately it does the same thing if it makes it into our water.
Published in Agribusiness
Dairy farmers Mark and Jennifer McDonald began beautifying their 138ha Methven dairy farm a decade ago.
Published in Management
Drainage has for many hundreds of years has sorted out the problem of too much water in paddocks.
Published in Machinery & Products
The long term future of a dairy heifer can be influenced by events in the first 24 hours of her life. 
Published in Farm Health
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