TWO CANTERBURY farms will initially supply a2 milk for processing into infant formula. But more farms may be needed if A2 Corporation's (A2C) realises its hopes to market the specialty milk powder into China, says Australian-based managing director Geoffrey Babidge.
Published in Agribusiness
LAST MONTH’S visit to Asia by Fonterra bosses is turning out to be a defining moment for the co-op.
Published in Opinion
Targeted types such as some first lambs fleece and oddments resisted a generally weaker market last week, says New Zealand Wool Services International Ltd's general manager, John Dawson.
Published in General News
It seems as though every year some new piece of technology is coming to the fore and changing the world as we know it. There has never been a time in the history of man that development has been so rapid or so advanced. 
Published in Industry
New Zealand’s Consul General and Trade Commissioner  in Guangzhou believes the more you learn about China, the more you discover you don’t know. Pat English says it’s important for any wine company wanting to develop that market, to understand it is evolving a lightening speed.
Published in General News
A “VERY strong structural” change in Asian economies means New Zealand will continue to have strong growth in its agricultural commodity prices such as dairy products, says Business and Economic Research Ltd (Berl) director Kel Sanderson.
Published in Agribusiness
I WANT to see New Zealanders and Indonesians becoming more familiar with each other's countries and with the opportunities to travel and do business. After all, Indonesia is New Zealand's nearest Asian neighbour.
Published in Opinion
FONTERRA CHIEF executive Theo Spierings is wasting no time in pursuing his ‘strategy refresh’.
Published in Opinion
SYNLAIT MILK has identified two farms in Canterbury to use in the start-up phase of producing a2 brand nutritional powders for A2 Corporation, says Synlait's general manager, nutritionals, Tony McKenna.
Published in General News
This week's North Island offering comprising 9,600 bales saw most sectors ease again except the finer lambs fleece, NZ Wool Services International Ltd's general manager, John Dawson says.
Published in General News
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