FARM UTILITIES new this month include CB Norwood's CF Moto Z6, a 600cc, fuel-injected side-by-side and a UTV – a utility 4x4 machine with a tipping deck, powered by a 500cc engine.
Published in Motoring
FONTERRA HAS just commissioned its second dairy farm in China and begun work on a third farm. The new farm is performing ahead of expectations, says the man in charge of the co-op's overseas farming ventures, Peter Moore.
Published in World News
FONTERRA’S RECENT decision to cut local milk prices was welcomed by various consumer groups and others – including many self-serving politicians – all around New Zealand.
Published in Opinion
THE OPERATOR OF New Zealand's first independent product development spray dryer says interest is high among dairy industry players.
Published in Agribusiness
An after-tax profit of $1.08 million for the six months to December 31, 2011, is ahead of budget, says New Zealand Wool Services International Ltd (WSI).
Published in General News
The rising New Zealand dollar being toyed with on the international currency market is driving local wool values down, says New Zealand Wool Services International Ltd's general manager, John Dawson.
Published in General News
A daily dose of skimmed milk, enriched with two value-add ingredients naturally found in dairy products, may reduce the frequency and intensity of gout flares
Published in General News
CHINA COULD have sued New Zealand for breach of its Free Trade Agreement if Pengxin’s application to buy the Crafar farms was declined, says a legal academic.
Published in General News
Wool prices are under pressure as large volumes of New Zealand wool comes on to the markets during January to March, says Cedric Bayly, general manager of PGG Wrightson Wool.
Published in General News
The Euro zone crisis, New Zealand dollar and Chinese New Year have been hitting wool prices, which before last week’s auctions had dropped about 12% since October.
Published in General News
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