Are China's dairy market dynamics changing? Yes, according to China market expert Jane Li.
Published in General News
Fonterra's plan to return $1 billion to shareholders in three years through the divestments of overseas milk pools is the right move, according to Waikato farmer Andrew McGiven.
Published in Agribusiness
Dairy Global commodity prices have enjoyed a period of strength in September. Overall, the global market fundamentals remain well-balanced, but with several moving parts.
Published in Agribusiness
The next three months will be critical for the primary sector as it tries to get product to key markets in the midst of a logistical crisis.
Published in General News
Silver Fern Farms' (SFF) chief executive Simon Limmer says NZ risks missing out on export business opportunities because it remains quite isolated from the rest of the world.
Published in General News
A new era of growth is unfolding in New Zealand’s biggest market and we are in the box seat to cash in, according to China market expert Jane Li.
Published in General News
The country's second largest milk processor is lifting two of its forecast milk price settlements on the back of rising whole milk powder prices.
Published in General News
With all sectors of agriculture and horticulture screaming out for staff, tertiary establishments are reporting higher levels of interest, suggesting this career pathway is making strides in our secondary schools.
Published in General News
New products, new markets and a lot of hard work look set to help the NZ deer industry recover from the hit it took at the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic.
Published in General News
Prices for NZ's main primary exports could rise to new heights in the coming year, but beneath that is a layer of not so good news.
Published in General News
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