People, perception and pride is the theme of this year's South Island Dairy Event (SIDE), challenging dairy farmers' views on the industry now and into the future.
Published in General News
Fonterra chief executive officer Theo Spierings has announced members of his senior management team as part of a reshaping of the organisation to deliver on its group strategy refresh announced in late March.
Published in General News
Fonterra chief executive officer Theo Spierings has announced members of his senior management team as part of a reshaping of the organisation to deliver on its group strategy refresh announced in late March.
Published in General News
COLOSTRUM BASED products to be made at a new $10 million New Image Group plant in Auckland are an example of “more of where New Zealand’s primary industry is going,” says Trade Minister Tim Groser.
Published in Agribusiness
NEW ZEALAND needs to “run like a hare” to take advantage of our FTA with China before other countries negotiate their own, Trade Minister Tim Groser told Dairy News. 
Published in Agribusiness
A HIGHER-riding Subaru Legacy, launched recently at the Beijing International Automotive Exhibition, will be ideal for New Zealand rural roads, says the company’s managing director, Wallis Dumper.
Published in Motoring
With gloomy trade news almost daily, farmers are likely to revise their farm budgets downwards. Given pastoral agriculture spends around $13 billion on goods and services each year, this has implications for both the provincial and national economy.
Published in General News
TWO CANTERBURY farms will initially supply a2 milk for processing into infant formula. But more farms may be needed if A2 Corporation's (A2C) realises its hopes to market the specialty milk powder into China, says Australian-based managing director Geoffrey Babidge.
Published in Agribusiness
LAST MONTH’S visit to Asia by Fonterra bosses is turning out to be a defining moment for the co-op.
Published in Opinion
Targeted types such as some first lambs fleece and oddments resisted a generally weaker market last week, says New Zealand Wool Services International Ltd's general manager, John Dawson.
Published in General News
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