Tuesday, 22 October 2024 11:55

Waiting and hoping

Written by  Peter Burke
Recovery following flooding in Otago rely on what happens in the next few months, says Luke Kane. Photo Credit: Otago Regional Council. Recovery following flooding in Otago rely on what happens in the next few months, says Luke Kane. Photo Credit: Otago Regional Council.

A lot depends on what happens in the next few months. That's the view of Federated Farmers Otago president, Luke Kane.

He says a lot of the supplementary feed in the province has been used up but a few recent days of sunshine have offered some hope with feed utilisation improving.

"One this that's become apparent is that the arable guys have had a lot of rot in their crops. That has delayed planting for the next round, so that mean we may not see some of the effects of this for six months," he says.

Kane, a dairy farmer whose family has farmed in the region for over 100 years, says events like this are not uncommon, especially on the Taieri Plains, which is a flood scheme designed to take the pressure off the wider community.

He says the floodwaters are now starting to recede but remain on certain farms and may take time to disappear.

"Farmers in this area know they could be feeding out supplement for months because it will take time for them re-grass sodden paddocks," he says.

Kane says the problem for Otago farmers was the prolonged nature of the event which saw soil moisture levels rise and no sun to dry out the paddocks.

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