While milk powder (WMP) price index dropped 2.1% to $US$2883/MT.
Westpac’s IQ financial briefing notes that since April, WMP prices have fallen 13%.
The GDT Price Index was down 3.6% compared to the last auction.
Key results
AMF index down 6.9%, average price US$5,321/MT
Butter index down 8.5%, average price US$4,392/MT
BMP not offered
Ched index down 4.7%, average price US$3,484/MT
LAC index not available, average price US$914/MT
RenCas index up 2.8%, average price US$5,138/MT
SMP index down 1.3%, average price US$1,951/MT
SWP index not available, average price not available
WMP index down 2.1%, average price US$2,883/MT