The New Zealand Veterinary Association (NZVA) says it will be working alongside the Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) and Animal and Plant Health New Zealand (APHANZ) as they attempt to improve access to veterinary medicines.
ASB's new head of food and fibre, Kristen Ashby, believes that there’s “heaps of opportunity” in the agriculture sector.
Fonterra farmers are pleased with their co-operative's interim results, says Co-operative Council chair John Stevenson.
Farmgate milk price could stay above $10/kgMS for two consecutive seasons, however, Fonterra is cautioning farmer shareholders to be wary.
Federated Farmers says it welcomes a recent court decision which granted a stay on rules in the Southland Water and Land Plan until legislative changes can be made by government.
Be ready to be nimble. That's the message to New Zealand primary exporters from international trade expert, company director and farmer Mike Petersen.
Scientists from the Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) are part of an international team working to develop a low-cost diagnostic tool that could significantly improve food crop production in developing countries.
Fonterra has reported a solid half-year result – an 8% lift in profit after tax to $729 million.
Fonterra has reaffirmed a forecast milk price mid-point of $10/kgMS for its farmer shareholders, with just over two months of the 2024-25 season left to run.
Agribusiness leader Rob Hewett is the new chair of listed carpet maker Bremworth.
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The Hound
Editorial: Connecting science and farming
OPINION: At last, a serious effort to better connect farmers and scientists.
OPINION: If you believe Maori Party president John Tamihere’s claim that “nothing dodgy” occurred at Manurewa Marae during the last…