Displaying items by tag: Fonterra
No more double Dutch?
The appointment of Mike Cronin as Fonterra's managing director corporate affairs has been welcomed as "a good Kiwi voice" in the co-op's management team.
Organic milk back in favour
Fonterra says the marketplace for organic milk is very competitive and the market-linked organic milk price will help the co-op to secure a steady stream of organic milk.
Fonterra management appointments
Director selection too important to neglect
When I interview for a new team member on our farm, we go through an extended process. It takes a while.
Kiwis matchmaking with Chinese partners
New Zealand agricultural companies were able to pitch their products and services directly to potential China partners in Auckland last week.
$600m help for hard-pressed Oz farmers
Australian dairy farmers are to get $600 million taxpayer money to help them endure the slump in farmgate prices.
Fonterra ready to help
Fonterra is committed to playing a role in advancing Maori farming interests, says chairman John Wilson.
It all starts at the top
Poor quality directors around the board table are one of the biggest risks to us as Fonterra shareholders.
‘Bolder’ board would cut director numbers
Former Fonterra director Colin Armer is voting against the co-op's governance and representation proposal, which causes him some worries.
Supply horizons brighten, brakes remain on farmgate milk price
Fonterra's new-season forecast farmgate milk price is "conservative" but the co-op expects the market to rebalance within 6-12 months, says Fonterra chairman John Wilson.