Displaying items by tag: Fonterra
Fonterra, we need you here
OPINION: Here's a question: one of these things is not like the others; it just doesn’t belong; which is it? Google HQ, Apple HQ, Amazon HQ, Fonterra HQ.
Milk payout dip no dampener
Dairy farmers generally are in good spirits despite Fonterra last week lowering its milk price forecast, says Feds dairy deputy chairman Wayne Langford.
Fonterra Oz suppliers paid more than NZ farmers
Fonterra’s Australian milk suppliers are going to be paid more for their milk than what the co-op’s NZ farmer shareholders are getting.
Fonterra drops milk forecast payout
Make your vote count
Stimulated by Fonterra posting a loss of $196 million, business analysts, academics and journalists have put forward their views on what is wrong with the cooperative and what is needed to sort it out.
Let the games begin — Editorial
OPINION: Fonterra's upcoming director elections will be an interesting contest with a potential shake-up on the cards, which its board surely needs.
Face palm
Your canine crusader cannot believe how bad a job Fonterra’s public relations team does for the dairy co-op.
Farmers back Fonterra’s rescue plan - chair claims
Fonterra chairman John Monaghan says farmers are backing a performance review of all co-op investments.