Displaying items by tag: Fonterra
Milk quality - a key factor
Fonterra lifts milk price, again!
Earning Co-op Difference Payment
OPINION: Farmers must be optimists or they wouldn't still be a farmer. Farming is built on self-assurance that the work done today will pay off down the road, that the financial and labour sacrifices will act as investments for the future.
Fonterra opens up GDT to key investors
Fonterra is opening up ownership of its successful global dairy auction platform to two strategic partners.
Record milk price a boon for Northland farmers
A record milk price this season would be a huge psychological boost for Northland farmers, says the region's Federated Farmers dairy chair Matt Long.
Farmers wary of record opening milk price
Biodiversity brought to Fonterra farms
A new project supported by Fonterra's Living Water Partnership with the Department of Conservation will help on-farm advisors grow their understanding of biodiversity, with a view to further building biodiversity objectives into Farm Environment Plans.
Fonterra puts the heat on rivals
Fonterra's record forecast milk price puts the pressure on other processors to match their performance, says Federated Farmers dairy section chair Wayne Langford.
Covid policy could bring staffing woes
The dairy industry is facing the prospect of losing some highly skilled staff because they are not fully vaccinated.
Showcasing Kiwi farming
Before Covid, the Fonterra team in Singapore was always thrilled when Kiwi farmers dropped into the office during their travels and shared stories of life back on the farm.