Displaying items by tag: Fonterra
Govt monitors infant formula scare
THE Government is advising parents and caregivers to follow the updated Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) advice on potentially contaminated infant formula in New Zealand stores.
Fonterra recalls calf feed
Some North Island dairy farmers were sold calf feed potentially contaminated with a strain of clostridium botulinum which can cause botulism.
Dirty pipe dents Fonterra’s reputation
A dirty pipe at Fonterra's Hautapu factory in Waikato threatens to knock the co-op's infant formula business on the head.
Fonterra issues botulism alert
Fonterra will this morning release more details of a food scare involving three batches of whey protein concentrate manufactured in New Zealand last year.
Forecast boost welcomed
The Fonterra Shareholders' Council and DairyNZ have welcomed the 50c increase in forecast Farmgate Milk Price.
Good news for dairy farmers
Fonterra has lifted its forecast farmgate milk price for the 2013-14 season by 50 cents to $7.50/kgMS.
Payout rise on the cards?
Fonterra lowers forecast earnings
Fonterra is lowering its 2013 earnings before interests and taxes (EBIT), blaming the drought and its struggling Australian business.
Closed loop recycling for Anchor bottles
Brown re-elected
Fonterra Shareholders Council chairman, Ian Brown and deputy chairman Philip Palmer have been re-elected for another term.