Displaying items by tag: CORONAVIRUS
COVID-19: MPI visiting packhouses and hort operations
The Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) will be visiting packhouses and other horticultural operations across the country from today.
COVID-19: Advice for the meat industry
Beef + Lamb NZ (B+LNZ) has released a series of documents to assist farmers in operating under Alert 4.
Still the bedrock — Editorial
COVID-19: Westland Milk processing milk
Hokitika-based Westland Milk Products has been registered as an Essential Service and is processing milk.
COVID-19: Call for rural testing stations
The New Zealand Rural General Practice Network is calling for the urgent establishment of rural testing stations in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Further drought support now available
Government support for farmers and growers affected by drought has been expanded and extended across the country.
Farms with up to five staff don’t need to register — FAR
A farm with five or fewer staff and observing social distancing among workers need not register as an essential business.
COVID-19: New MPI register for safe practice
The Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) has set up a register for safe practice in the sector, with registrations due this Friday.
COVID-19: Dairy gains support export rise
Statistics released today offer some insight into how COVID-19 is affecting New Zealand’s primary exports.
Primary exports hit, but outlook strong
Primary sector export returns will take a $1.3 billion hit from COVID-19, but there is some good news.