Displaying items by tag: CORONAVIRUS
Hunters urged to follow rules
The New Zealand Deerstalkers' Association (NZDA) is urging hunters to follow the new anti-COVID rules with a shift to Level 3.
More support for rural general practices
The New Zealand Rural General Practice Network says it has brokered an agreement with the Ministry of Health to extend locum support.
The power of digital systems during crisis
Tips for milking during COVID-19
COVID-19’s silver lining — Editorial
OPINION: Make no mistake, COVID-19 will change things: some things for a month or two, some for a year or two, and some permanently.
Lockdown boosts milk deliveries
A Southland dairy farming couple offering home delivery of both raw and pasteurised milk, as well as other produce, is expanding their business as demand climbs during the COVID-19 lockdown.
COVID-19: Duck shooting delayed
The Government has announced that the duck shooting season will go ahead – albeit delayed until NZ goes into Level 2.
Industry ticks along, with eye on costs
Tractor manufacturer defies COVID-19 bump
Farm machinery merchandiser Case IH says it has kept the wheels rolling on farms – despite formidable logistical challenges during the lockdown.
Lockdown won’t stop learning at Massey
Despite the COVID-19 lockdown, staff at Massey University are busy preparing for the next semester – which will involve a lot of on-line teaching.