man o war
The EasyCut B 950 Collect is a non-conditioning mower with 450mm merger augers, said to be ideal for tall crops such as ryegrass, or more delicate crops such as lucerne, that may usually cause blockages or damage when put through a conditioner mower.
Published in Machinery & Products
German manufacturer Horsch has introduced the new Leeb FT front tank, that mounts to a tractor’s 3-point linkage and offers additional spraying capacity.
Published in Machinery & Products
The New Zealand Dairy Industry Awards (NZDIA) has kicked off 2023 with a few changes.
Published in Agribusiness
A new study has revealed that New Zealand is one of only a few island nations that could continue to produce enough food to feed its population in a nuclear winter.
Published in General News
Hawera dairy farmer Erwin Hebler believes his new Firestone Eco Silage Cover is a game changer.
Published in Management
Working on the premise that everything that happens on farm exists to manage the cow, Halter claims to remove the need for fences, gates and even the farm dog, allowing the farmer to manage everything remotely, saving time and improving productivity.
Published in Machinery & Products
The roots of Allan Scott Family Winemakers go back to the first days of Marlborough's wine industry, 50 years ago this year.
Published in General News
Marlborough’s flowering in late 2022 was variable, due to cool weather, but Mark Allen of Mark Allen Vineyard Advisory is seeing a good average crop load in Sauvignon Blanc vineyards, and expects yields to be average or slightly above.
Published in Regional Updates
2023 junior cattle judging superstar Annie Gill didn’t let nerves get in the way of her success at the NZ Dairy Event last month.
Published in Farm Health
Second year Lincoln University student Georgia Higginbottom is the 2023 recipient of Ravensdown’s Hugh Williams Memorial Scholarship.
Published in Management
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